Tick Removal
MATTHEW GAMMONS, M.D., and GOHAR SALAM, M.D., D.O. Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, East
Lansing, Michigan
Many methods of tick removal that have been reported in the literature have proved to be unsatisfactory
in controlled studies. Some methods may even cause harm by inducing the tick to salivate and regurgitate into the host. Ticks
are best removed as soon as possible, because the risk of disease transmission increases significantly after 24 hours of attachment.
The use of a blunt, medium-tipped, angled forceps offers the best results. Following tick removal, the bite area should be
inspected carefully for any retained mouthparts, which should be excised. The area is then cleaned with antiseptic solution,
and the patient is instructed to monitor for signs of local or systemic illness. Routine antibiotic prophylaxis following
tick removal generally is not indicated but may be considered in pregnant patients or in areas endemic to tick-borne disease.
(Am Fam Physician 2002;66:643-5,646. Copyright© 2002 American Academy of Family Physicians.) |
Because tick bites are nearly painless, a tick may not be noticed until after
it is attached. It is important to remove the tick from the host as soon as possible after it is discovered. Animal and human
studies have shown that the risk of Lyme disease transmission increases significantly after 24 hours of attachment and is
even higher after more than 48 hours.1-6
TABLE 1 Ineffective or Dangerous Methods of Removing Ticks: What Not to Do
- Do not use sharp forceps.
- Do not crush, puncture, or squeeze the tick's body.
- Do not apply substances such as petroleum jelly, gasoline, lidocaine (Xylocaine), etc., to the tick.
- Do not apply heat with a match or hot nail.
- Do not use a twisting or jerking motion to remove the tick.
- Do not handle the tick with bare hands.
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In addition to timely removal, it is important to remove the tick completely, including the mouthpart and
the cement the tick has secreted to secure attachment. Improper tick removal may cause mouthparts to break off in the skin,
possibly leading to infection or granuloma formation.7 Twisting off the head should be avoided, because this may
cause the tick's potentially infectious body fluids to escape.
Ticks should never be handled with bare hands and should be disposed of with hazardous waste or preserved
in alcohol if identification is needed.
Few methods for tick removal that have been reported in the literature have scientific support. Some methods
that are not recommended (Table 1) include applying a hot match or nail to the tick body; covering the tick
with petroleum jelly, nail polish, alcohol or gasoline; using injected or topical lidocaine (Xylocaine); or passing a suture
needle through the tick.8-15 Although there is conflicting evidence as to whether the removal technique influences
infection rates,6,10,16 these methods may induce the tick to salivate and regurgitate into the attachment site,
theoretically increasing the risk of infection.8,11
Commercially available tick-removal devices include the Sawyer Tick Pliers (B&A Products, Bunch, Okla.),
Pro-Tick Remedy (SCS Limited, Stony Point, N.Y.) and Ticked Off (Ticked Off Inc., Dover, N.H.). Although one study17
found that the Pro-Tick Remedy and Ticked Off devices left mouthparts in the skin less often, all three devices listed above
were recommended over tweezers for tick removal. Another study2 recommended the Ticked Off device but did not compare
it with other devices. There are other commercially available tick-removal devices, but no studies have evaluated their usefulness.
The most commonly recommended and successful tick-removal method is manual extraction of the tick.7,8,10,11,16,18-21
[Reference 16--Evidence level B, nonrandomized study] A blunt, medium-tipped, angled forceps offers the best results, using
the method shown in Figure 1.
FIGURE 1. Simulated tick removal. (Left)
Using blunt forceps, grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible. (Right) Use perpendicular traction
to remove the tick, taking care not to twist the tick. |
After a tick is removed, an antiseptic solution is applied to the attachment site, and patients should
be educated about the signs and symptoms of local and systemic illness. There is conflicting evidence as to the need for routine
antibiotic prophylaxis.22-24 Although a discussion of evidence is beyond the scope of this article, most experts,
including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Infectious Diseases Society of America, do not recommend
routine antibiotic prophylaxis.25,26 [Reference 26--Evidence level C, expert opinion] However, antibiotic use may
be considered in patients who are deemed high-risk, in pregnant patients, and in patients living in areas endemic to tick-borne
It is important to remove the tick completely, including the mouthpart and the cement
the tick has secreted to secure attachment. |
| |
The authors indicate that they do not have any conflicts of interest. Sources of funding: none reported.
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- Needham GR. Evaluation of five popular methods for tick removal. Pediatrics 1985;75:997-1002.
- Lee MD, Sonenshine DE, Counselman FL. Evaluation of subcutaneous injection of local anesthetic agents as a method of tick
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- Schwartz BS, Goldstein MD. Lyme disease in outdoor workers: risk factors, preventive measures, and tick removal methods.
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- Haynes JH. Tick removal. In: Pfenninger JL, Fowler GC, eds. Procedures for primary care physicians. St. Louis: Mosby,
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- Stewart RL, Burgdorfer W, Needham GR. Evaluation of three commercial tick removal tools. Wilderness Environ Med 1998;9:137-42.
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- Shapiro ED, Gerber MA, Holabird NB, Berg AT, Feder HM Jr, Bell GL, et al. A controlled trial of antimicrobial prophylaxis
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- Nadelman RB, Nowakowski J, Fish D, Falco RC, Freeman K, McKenna D, et al. Prophylaxis with single-dose doxycycline for
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May be used in any direction, |
to remove ticks, |
from front, back or side. |
(Note the different direction in photos) |
Once the tick has been isolated, is clearly visible and free from obstruction,
place the wide part of the notch on the skin near the tick (hold skin taut if necessary). Applying slight pressure downward
on the skin, slide the remover forward so the small part of the notch is framing the tick.
Continuous forward sliding motion detaches
the tick.
(Do not pry, lever or lift up - slide forward.) |
The tell-tale "snap" sound lets you know the tick has been completely
The tick is now securely contained for disposal (or may be saved for testing).
Treat the wound as needed. Clean your tick remover with alcohol or similar disinfectant. For adult and adult supervised use;
not a toy. | |